Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Statistical Sources

GSM Association. (2008) GSM World News. Retrieved June 7, 2008 from

This website offers downloadable PDFs of quarterly statistics and information on the global mobile market. It gives the subscriber statistics for the entire globe, and then lists each continent with their corresponding number of GSM subscribers. It goes on to list the top 10 countries of GSM subscribers, and then the ranking of total connections by country. Given the past years quarterly statistics, this site would be useful to a journalist or researcher who wants to compile statistical information and make inferences on international mobile trends.

Davis, A. (2008). Let’s Talk. Retrieved June 10, 2008 from

Let’s Talk created a press release with statistics regarding the places that people deem appropriate and inappropriate to talk on their cell phones from the years 2000 to 2006. The information was compiled from a survey of users who were asked how many of them use their cell phones in the bathroom, at the movies, in the car, at the grocery store, on public transportation and in a restaurant. This information may be useful to a researcher of journalist who is interested in learning about the social acceptability of cell phone usage in public places and how it has evolved over time.

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